Services Provided
Bringing Change

Substance Abuse Treatment
GCRS, Inc. is a licensed outpatient treatment program with offices in Corpus Christi , Texas to treat adolescents' and adults who are struggling with SUD related issues. Participants receiving services are given the opportunity to heal from the maladies of addiction through evidence based approaches through our Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program (IOP). The IOP Program is a 36 hour curriculum that includes a 12 hour Relapse Prevention component to assist clients in transitioning back to their communities and families. The IOP Program addresses Substance Use Disorders by utilizing evidence based approaches to treatment these issues. Our staff are licensed to treat and address issues with opiates, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, alcohol and prescriptions medications. These services can be offered in office or via Telehealth in one of our secure platforms. If you or a loved one is struggling please contact us by phone or email.
Individual & Family Counseling
GCRS,INC offers Individual Counseling for adolescents and adults that are needing some one on one private counseling that is curtailed to their specific issues. We offer individual therapy for an array of mental health disorders such as the following: Anxiety, Abuse, Depression, Attachment, PTSD, TRAUMA , Grief, Domestic Violence, Family Discord, Social Phobias, Stress, Bipolar Anger Management.
Are you struggling with communicating with your children? Have you experienced a life change or loss that has impacted everyone, such as divorce, death of a love one, divorce, infidelity trauma, or abuse of a love one? Family counseling offers a safe, unbiased environment where all family members can come together to work on a common goal. We work to meet each family member at their own level and comfort as well as take into consideration developmental stages of each child in the family unit.

Play Therapy
GCRS, Inc offers a nurturing and safe environment for children to express themselves. Evidence has shown that children are more likely to express themselves in a natural environment that is safe and therapeutically guided by a trained professional. Play therapy is to children what counseling is to adults. Although it may look like just playtime, play therapy creates a space that is developmentally appropriate for children. Play Therapy is used to observe and gain insights into a child’s world and allow them to freely express their personal views on sensitive experiences that have impacted their lives. The counselor can then help the child explore emotions and interpret their experiences in this nurturing environment. Play therapy is proven effective when working with life situations and adjustments such as divorce, death, relocation, abuse, attachment or detachment issues and other mental health issues. It is also effective with behavioral issues, anxiety, self esteem, and social skills.
“Santos makes you feel welcome and he was very friendly, which helped me open up to him during therapy".
"When I had a problem or was feeling very emotional Savannah would listen and hear me out. She has helped me maintain my recovery".
"The communication with Lorenna was always great and she never judged me".